Business Valuation Calculator

Get an instant estimate of the value of your business, along with tips on how to improve it.

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Your Business Valuation Range:


Complete the form and your valuation will appear here

Enter some more information to see your valuation multiplier here
X EBITDA & X SDE multiplier applied
Learn more about our calculation method in our FAQ

Please keep in mind this is an estimate. No guarantee is given that the valaution provided is correct, as many factors can affect a business valuation. Please review our calculation FAQ carefully to understand the assumptions we have made. Do not rely on this estimate for your financial decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

How is the SDE valuation calculated?

How is the EBITDA valuation calculated?

What are 'Cost of Sales'?

What is 'Owners Salary'?

What is 'Depreciation and Amortization'?

What are 'non-operating assets'?


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